Shipping and Delivery

We consider shipping as an option, and we make the shipping arrangements; this is because most often we find suitable homes for our puppies, but they might not be located within a driving distance. We can guess what question you have in mind right now, ‘Flying a Puppy’! Is it safe? This question is often asked. We certainly wouldn’t consider it if it wasn’t.

We take great pride in ensuring the safe and efficient shipment of all our puppies within the USA, Canada & Worldwide. We understand the concerns that come with purchasing a puppy online, which is why we partner with reputable pet delivery agencies. This agency not only offers delivery services but also goes the extra mile to deliver your beloved puppy right up to your doorsteps. With their expertise and care, you can be assured that your puppy will arrive safely and in good health. We prioritize the well-being of our puppies and strive to provide a stress-free and reliable shipping experience for our customers.

When we go to book a flight for our pets, we always call ahead and find the most direct flight available (much as if you were looking for a flight for yourself) Our puppies have always arrived safe and sound in their new homes, he even went further to say that “it is better and more comfortable to fly a puppy on a 2-6 hours flight than drive with that puppy for 4 hours or more”. And that we believe so much because we know they are professionals and will deliver the puppy safely. Basically, shipping a puppy within USA, CANADA and worldwide.